Fun for everyone!
We work with Elements, Shows and Fun for Children.
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Entertainment elements are special actions used for the guests to take part in the celebration. The most popular one is the “balloon release”. The balloon release is a fun event that consists of getting barefeet to the beach holding each person a big white helium balloon that is meant to be let go on the air along with those of the other guests at once. There could be also the message in a bottle buried in the sand for everyone where each person must find one. and many, many more games which you can enjoy during the celebration of your wedding in Ibiza in Barcelona or in the venue of your choice.
The entertainment team will adapt the type of shows to the style of the wedding.
We create stories in which guests participate.
A wide range of options is available: Aerial performers, fire shows, jugglers, magicians, comedians or synchronized swimming.
Fun for Children
Some couples have children, in this case they become main characters in their parents’ wedding.
Children are the little guests that need to be looked after by experienced professionals. One children’s entertainer/party organiser and one to three babysitters will be in charge. Nice activities are prepared according to their ages. The children entertainer meets them before lunch or/and dinner and stays while they eat. Once they finish she takes them to the play area.
During play-time the babysitter/s will substitute the entertainer.
A comfortable and relaxing area, fit to purpose, is available for them. They can sleep there and stay until the party ends.
Safety and fun for children while mum and dad enjoy the rest of the party.